Art Space Portsmouth is the a creative hub for visual artists and visual arts activity in the Portsmouth and South East Hampshire area. Members’ benefit by association with 40 years’ of dedicated support for artists professional development, as well as projects and initiatives that have fostered strong local, national and international links.

Originally founded in 1980 by a group of graduates and lecturers from Portsmouth Polytechnic, it is now a thriving group of 45 professional artists of which 31 have studios in our converted Chapel in Brougham Road.
Art Space occupies a unique place in the local creative industries community. As a registered Charity Art Space Portsmouth is managed by a Board of Trustees made up from both industry professionals and artist-members. The organisation itself however is driven by its artist membership and guided by its needs and aspirations. As such, it remains one of the few established arts organisations in the UK for whom direct, critical engagement with contemporary studio and gallery-based practice is key.
As a provider of low-cost artist studios, and through a wider network of off-site artist members – both early career and established creative practitioners – Art Space Portsmouth represents a dynamic and diverse community of artists. From practical support to peer-to-peer networking and opportunities for wider public engagement, membership also offers wide range of membership benefits.
Art Space Portsmouth is a registered Charity No. 1106685 and also a Company Ltd. Guarantee No. 01590132